· 13 min read

Best individual pension plans in Germany

Happy retiree holding a piggy bank with the German flag in the background, representing pension plans in Germany.

Germany offers a variety of individual pension plans tailored to meet diverse financial goals and retirement needs.

With the country's pension system undergoing reforms and facing demographic pressures, selecting the right plan is crucial for securing a comfortable retirement.

This article explores the best individual pension plans available in Germany, providing insights into their key features and benefits.

Key Takeaways

1. Riester Rente

The Riester Rente, also known as Förder-Rente, was conceived by Walter Riester, a former German Secretary of Labor. This plan is designed to supplement your statutory pension with generous government bonuses and tax advantages. To be eligible for the Riester Rente, participation in the state pension scheme is mandatory. You need to be paying contributions into the statutory pension scheme to qualify.

Government Subsidies

One of the key features of the Riester Rente is the government subsidies. These subsidies can significantly boost your retirement savings, making it an attractive option for many. The plan is certified and strictly regulated by the German government, ensuring transparency in costs, benefits, agent commissions, and fees.

Tax Benefits

The Riester Rente offers substantial tax benefits. Contributions to the plan are tax-deductible, and the benefit payouts, which can begin at age 60, are subject to German income tax but not to any flat tax or capital gains tax. This makes it a tax-efficient way to save for retirement.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Riester Rente, you must be participating in the state pension scheme. This means you need to be making regular contributions to the statutory pension scheme. The plan is particularly beneficial for employees, as it is designed to supplement their statutory pension.

If you're an expat in Berlin looking for independent pension advisory, Finanz2Go can help you navigate your options. However, please note that we do not offer tax advisory or real estate planning services.

Flexibility and Limitations

While the Riester Rente offers several advantages, it also has some limitations. For instance, there is no one-time payout option available, and the plan is often criticized for its low interest rates and inflexible structure. However, the tax-deductible contributions and bonuses for families can make it a worthwhile option for many.

Consulting a Financial Advisor

Given the complexities involved, consulting with a reputable financial advisor is highly recommended. They can help you evaluate the suitability of the Riester Rente based on your personal financial objectives and preferences. At Finanz2Go, we specialize in helping expats in Berlin navigate their private retirement options, ensuring they choose the best private retirement plans for their needs.

2. Rürup Rente

The Rürup Rente, also known as the Basis-Rente, was developed after the pension reform by Bernd Rürup, one of Germany’s leading economists. This plan is particularly beneficial for the self-employed, freelancers, and high-income earners. It offers taxation and benefits attributes similar to the Public Retirement Insurance but works by capital cover rather than pay-as-you-go financing.

Key Features

The Rürup Rente pays a guaranteed life-long pension. This pension amount cannot be reduced even if a person may be collecting unemployment benefits or benefits from Hartz-IV. Additionally, the amount invested is protected from any attachments or legal claims. The money in the plan normally may not be passed on or inherited after your death. There is no lump sum option, and the first pension payment may not be made before age 62. The plan may not be sold or borrowed against.

Tax Advantages

One of the most appealing aspects of the Rürup pension is its tax-deductible contributions. This means that the money you put into your Rürup pension can be deducted from your taxable income, reducing your overall tax burden. For self-employed professionals, this can be a game-changer. Keep in mind that these pension benefits are taxable when you start receiving them, but the immediate tax relief can be quite beneficial.

Contribution Limits

In 2017, the maximum tax-deductible amount that can be invested in Rürup Rente is €23,362 per year for single persons and €46,724 per year for married couples. The amount of savings can be divided freely between wife and husband.

At Finanz2Go, we help expats in Berlin navigate the complexities of private pension plans, including the Rürup pension. While we don't offer tax advisory services, our independent financial advisors can provide you with the guidance you need to make informed decisions about your retirement planning.

Why Choose Rürup Rente?

If you're an expat in Berlin looking for independent pension advisory, Finanz2Go can help you navigate your options. However, please note that we do not offer tax advisory or real estate planning services.

3. Company Pension Scheme (bAV)

A company pension scheme, or betriebliche Altersvorsorge (bAV), is a fantastic way for employees to supplement their state pension. This scheme is designed to provide benefits for old age, invalidity, and surviving dependents, all promised by the employer as part of the employment relationship. It's a key pillar of pension provision in Germany, alongside the statutory and private pension schemes.

How It Works

Under the bAV, both the employer and employee can contribute to the pension fund. The contributions are often tax-advantaged, making it a cost-effective way to save for retirement. The funds are managed by pension institutions, which invest the money to generate returns over time.

Types of bAV

There are several types of company pension schemes in Germany:

  1. Direct Insurance (Direktversicherung)
  2. Pension Fund (Pensionskasse)
  3. Pension Plan (Pensionsfonds)
  4. Direct Commitment (Direktzusage)
  5. Support Fund (Unterstützungskasse)

Each type has its own set of rules and benefits, so it's essential to choose the one that best fits your individual pension plan.



While bAV offers many benefits, it's crucial to understand the terms and conditions. Some plans may have restrictions on withdrawals or transfers, and the investment options can vary.

If you're an expat in Berlin, Finanz2Go offers independent pension consultation to help you find the best individual pension plan tailored to your needs. We specialize in navigating the complexities of the German pension system, ensuring you make the most of your retirement savings.

4. Allianz PrivatRente

Financial advisor discussing Allianz PrivatRente pension plan with a middle-aged couple in a modern office.

The Allianz PrivatRente is a popular choice among expats in Germany looking for a flexible and reliable pension plan. As an international financial services provider, Allianz offers worldwide products and solutions in insurance and asset management. This plan allows you to invest in various funds, providing the potential for long-term compounded growth. You can access your capital whenever needed, making it a versatile option for those who may face unexpected financial needs.

Key Features

Tax Benefits

While contributions are made from your net income, the Allianz PrivatRente offers tax advantages that can enhance your retirement fund over time. It's essential to understand these benefits to maximize your savings.

Why Choose Allianz PrivatRente?

If you're an expat in Berlin, Finanz2Go offers independent pension consultation to help you find the best individual pension plan tailored to your needs.

5. DWS RiesterRente Premium

The DWS RiesterRente Premium is a standout option for those looking to maximize their retirement savings with a Riester plan. This plan is particularly attractive due to its combination of government subsidies and investment opportunities. One of the key benefits of the DWS RiesterRente Premium is its flexibility in investment choices, allowing you to tailor your portfolio to your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Key Features

Potential Drawbacks

Who Should Consider This Plan?

At Finanz2Go, we offer independent pension consultation to help you find the best individual pension plan for your needs as an expat in Berlin. Our experts can guide you through the complexities of options like the DWS RiesterRente Premium, ensuring you make an informed decision.

For more information, book an appointment with one of our advisors today!

6. Zurich BasisRente

Financial advisor explaining Zurich BasisRente pension plan to a middle-aged couple in an office.

The Zurich BasisRente is a solid choice for those looking to secure their retirement with a tax-efficient plan. This pension plan is designed to provide a guaranteed life-long pension, ensuring that you have a steady income stream in your golden years. One of the standout features of the Zurich BasisRente is its flexibility in terms of contributions and benefits, making it suitable for a wide range of financial situations.

Key Features



If you're an expat in Berlin looking for independent pension advisory, Finanz2Go can help you navigate your options. However, please note that we do not offer tax advisory or real estate planning services.

7. HDI TwoTrust Selekt


The HDI TwoTrust Selekt is a versatile pension plan that offers a range of benefits tailored to meet individual needs. This plan is particularly popular among those looking for a flexible and secure retirement solution.

Key Features

Investment Options

The HDI TwoTrust Selekt allows you to choose from a variety of investment options, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. This enables you to create a diversified portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.


This plan is ideal for individuals who want a combination of flexibility and security in their retirement planning. Whether you're just starting your career or nearing retirement, the HDI TwoTrust Selekt can be tailored to fit your needs.

Finanz2Go offers an independent pension consultation to find the best individual pension plan for you as an expat in Berlin.


In summary, the HDI TwoTrust Selekt is a robust and adaptable pension plan that can help you achieve your retirement goals. With its flexible contribution options, high level of security, and tax benefits, it's a great choice for anyone looking to secure their financial future.

8. AXA Relax Rente

The AXA Relax Rente is a popular choice for those looking for a flexible and reliable pension plan in Germany. This plan offers a range of benefits that cater to different retirement needs and financial situations.

Key Features

One of the standout features of the AXA Relax Rente is its flexibility. You can choose between different investment options, allowing you to tailor the plan to your individual risk tolerance and financial goals. Additionally, the plan offers the possibility of a lump-sum payout, which can be particularly appealing if you prefer having more control over your retirement funds.

Tax Advantages

The AXA Relax Rente comes with significant tax benefits. Contributions to this plan are tax-deductible, which can help reduce your taxable income. This is especially beneficial for high-income earners looking to optimize their tax situation while saving for retirement.

Investment Options

With the AXA Relax Rente, you have access to a variety of investment options, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. This allows you to diversify your portfolio and potentially increase your returns over time. The plan also offers professional investment management, ensuring that your funds are managed effectively.

For a relaxed retirement, the AXA Relax Rente provides a comprehensive solution that adapts to your changing needs and financial circumstances.

Flexibility in Contributions

Another advantage of the AXA Relax Rente is the flexibility in contributions. You can adjust your contributions based on your financial situation, making it easier to maintain your retirement savings even during financially challenging times.


The AXA Relax Rente is a versatile and flexible pension plan that offers numerous benefits, including tax advantages, diverse investment options, and adaptable contribution plans. It's an excellent choice for those looking to secure their financial future in a way that aligns with their personal needs and goals.

Finanz2Go offers an independent pension consultation to find the best individual pension plan for you as an expat in Berlin.

9. Debeka BasisRente


The Debeka BasisRente, also known as the Rürup-Rente, is a tax-efficient private pension plan designed for self-employed individuals, freelancers, and high-income earners. It offers a guaranteed life-long pension, ensuring financial stability in retirement.

Key Features

Flexibility and Options

Why Choose Debeka BasisRente?

Choosing the Debeka BasisRente means opting for a secure and tax-efficient retirement plan that guarantees a stable income for life.

For expats in Berlin, Finanz2Go offers independent pension consultation to help you find the best individual pension plan tailored to your needs. Book an appointment today to secure your financial future.

10. Alte Leipziger RenteFlex


The Alte Leipziger RenteFlex is a highly flexible private pension plan designed to adapt to your individual needs. Whether you're looking for a steady income stream or the potential for higher returns through investments, this plan has you covered.

Key Features

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
High flexibility in contributions and investments Investment risk varies based on chosen funds
Potential for high returns Taxable upon withdrawal
Tax-deductible contributions Management fees may apply

Who Should Consider This Plan?

The Alte Leipziger RenteFlex is ideal for those who want a customizable pension plan with the potential for high returns. It's particularly beneficial for self-employed individuals and those with irregular income streams.

For expats in Berlin, Finanz2Go offers independent pension consultation to help you find the best individual pension plan tailored to your needs. Book an appointment today to secure your financial future.

Discover the benefits of the Alte Leipziger RenteFlex, a flexible pension plan designed to optimize your retirement savings. With our expert guidance, you can save up to 48% in taxes and secure a financially stable future. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your retirement strategy. Visit our website to learn more and book an appointment today!


Navigating the world of individual pension plans in Germany can seem daunting, but it's absolutely worth the effort. Whether you're a high-income earner looking to maximize your contributions or a self-employed professional seeking flexibility, there's a plan out there that fits your needs. Remember, the key to a comfortable retirement is starting early and staying informed. Don't hesitate to seek professional advice to tailor a plan that's perfect for you. With the right strategy, you can secure a financially stable and fulfilling retirement. So, take the plunge and start planning today—your future self will thank you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Riester Rente?

Riester Rente is a state-subsidized private pension plan in Germany designed to encourage retirement savings through government incentives and tax benefits.

How does Rürup Rente differ from Riester Rente?

Rürup Rente, also known as Basisrente, is tailored for self-employed individuals and high-income earners, offering significant tax benefits but without state subsidies like those in Riester Rente.

What is a Company Pension Scheme (bAV)?

A Company Pension Scheme (bAV) is an employer-sponsored retirement plan where both the employer and employee can contribute, offering tax advantages and potentially higher returns.

What are the benefits of Allianz PrivatRente?

Allianz PrivatRente offers flexible retirement planning options, including guaranteed payouts and the possibility of additional returns based on investment performance.

What makes DWS RiesterRente Premium unique?

DWS RiesterRente Premium stands out due to its focus on capital preservation and growth, offering a mix of safety and potential returns, along with state subsidies.

Why should I consider Zurich BasisRente?

Zurich BasisRente is ideal for those seeking tax-efficient retirement savings, offering high flexibility in investment choices and the security of a reputable insurance provider.

What is the HDI TwoTrust Selekt plan?

HDI TwoTrust Selekt is a versatile pension plan that offers various investment options, allowing for a tailored approach to retirement savings based on individual risk tolerance and financial goals.

How does AXA Relax Rente cater to retirement needs?

AXA Relax Rente provides a flexible pension plan with a focus on security and growth, offering options for guaranteed income and potential additional returns based on market performance.